Do you know the warning lamp in the fuel tanker trailer?

fuel tanker trailer

Do you know the warning lamp in the fuel tanker trailer?

the warning lamp in the fuel tanker trailer

fuel tanker trailer are relatively common operating trailers in life. Friends who are familiar with trailers know that during the driving of the vehicle, a warning light is on or an abnormal sound. Today, let’s follow the editor to learn about what are the warnings in the fuel tanker trailer?

fuel tanker trailer

The engine fault warning light: The warning light is lit when the ignition switch is turned on, and the fuel tanker traile engine should be extinguished immediately. At this time, it means that the engine function is normal. Otherwise, there is a failure in the engine control system. If the light is flickering, it means that the catalytic converter may be damaged. If you continue to drive, you should reduce the speed.

The fuel tanker trailer engine failure diagnosis system is also responsible for checking the electronic control systems of the engine, and storing various faults with code, fuel tanker trailer can be measured at any time to facilitate maintenance.

Machine oil pressure warning light: The pressure of the oil is too low, which will severely wear all components that need to be lubricated. Therefore, this warning light must be checked in time when the oil pressure is reduced in time. If the amount of oil is insufficient, it is necessary to replenish the oil and check whether the oil supply system is leaked; if the oil volume is sufficient and the warning light is still on, it may be that the fuel tanker trailer engine oil filter or the oil circuit is blocked. You should send the GAC to send a vapor. Repair the factory to clean up.

The fuel volume warning light: When the fuel tanker trailer reserves are close to the lower limit, the warning light is on, and the fuel must be added at this time. Do not use the fuel tanker trailer in the fuel tanker trailer, because the electric oil pump is placed at the bottom of the fuel tanker trailer, and it is cooling by fuel. Once the fuel is exhausted, the air will be inhaled and gas resistance is formed in the oil road. Even if it is filled with fuel, the fuel will not be sent to the engine due to gas resistance. Moreover, the electric oil pump does not have fuel cooling around, and fuel tanker trailer is easy to danger due to high temperature.

fuel tanker trailer

Cooling liquid surface warning light: The cooling liquid surface is too low, the radiator will be overheated, and even the pot will be opened to affect the engine work. At this time, the coolant must be added immediately. But be sure to use the same brand specifications. If you occur during driving, fuel tanker trailer you can also add common edible distilled water as temporary measures. Note: After the radiator is cooled, open the lid to avoid burns.

fuel tanker trailer

Charging warning light: Check the electrical lines in time to find out and eliminate the failure. If the engine is suddenly shining when running, stop and turn off the engine immediately to check whether the belt of the electromotor is loose or broken. If the belt is damaged, you must drive carefully, and immediately drive to the repair shop to change the belt.

Dynamic liquid warning light: Generally shared by hand brake and brake liquid surface. Turn on the ignition switch in normal times, tighten the hand brake rod, fuel tanker trailer and warn the lights; If the warning light is often on, it means that the hand brake rod is not relaxed to the end, or the brake fluid is insufficient, and the brake fluid must be added. At this time, the trailer should be doubled when braking.

fuel tanker trailer

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