How to Reduce the Risk of Spontaneous Truck Combustion in Hot Weather


As the temperature rises day by day, accidents involving the spontaneous combustion of truck will increase significantly every summer. We have summarized the causes and countermeasures of spontaneous combustion accidents in the past, hoping to help everyone prevent them before they happen and travel without worries in hot weather.

1. Aging of circuit and oil circuit

Judging from the spontaneous combustion accidents of vehicles that have occurred over the years, there are many problems caused by circuits and oil circuits. In terms of circuits, common problems such as aging circuits, short circuits, and virtual connections can easily cause fires in the engine compartment and cause spontaneous combustion of the vehicle.

In terms of oil circuits, aging of oil circuits can easily cause the sealing effect of various oil seals in the engine to deteriorate and cause oil leakage. In the summer, when the outside temperature is high and the engine works for a long time, the body will overheat and cause spontaneous combustion.

Response: During daily driving, you must regularly check the vehicle’s engine oil circuit and wiring, and observe whether the engine has excessive fouling, difficulty in starting, obvious vibration during driving, etc. Moreover, be especially vigilant if you notice a sudden spike in fuel consumption, the presence of black smoke, or unusual odors. Everyone must perform maintenance on the engine in time to avoid problems.

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2. The brakes are used too frequently

Drivers often need to brake frequently when operating on special road sections such as long downhill slopes. This operation can easily cause the tires to overheat. Coupled with the high external ground temperature, it can easily cause the tire to spontaneously ignite.

Response: During driving, it is necessary to understand the road condition information of the driving route in advance and make effective responses promptly. When passing through key sections, always pay attention to changes in the car body and wheels. If smoke or odor is detected, stop the vehicle immediately and take measures.

3. Illegal repairs and modifications

People will inevitably get sick if they eat whole grains. Trucks traveling thousands of miles a day will also encounter various accidents, big or small, which require repairs. Improper actions by maintenance personnel during servicing can elevate the risk of the vehicle spontaneously combusting both during and after maintenance.

At the same time, after truck drivers mention a new car, they usually carry out a series of additions and modifications according to their vehicle use scenarios. If the chosen modification company is not technically compliant or the selection of accessories is not compliant, then It will increase safety risks for vehicles.

Response: Whether it is vehicle maintenance, installation, or modification, you must choose a regular repair shop and modification factory, select regular relevant spare parts, and minimize the risk factor as much as possible.

4. Vehicle collision occurs

Trucks travel thousands of miles every day, and some scrapes and collisions will inevitably occur on the road. If the engine and other key parts involving oil and electrical lines are damaged in an accident, it is easy to cause a fire. According to public data, the proportion of rear-end fire accidents among vehicle accidents caused by various reasons is approximately 20%.

Response: There are thousands of roads, and safety comes first. Truck drivers must strictly abide by traffic regulations while driving, keep a certain distance from the vehicle in front, and avoid speeding, illegal driving, illegal overtaking, etc. In addition, once danger occurs, you must immediately check the key components of the vehicle that are prone to catching fire, and deal with the problems found promptly.

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5. Cab on fire

Truck drivers regard their cars as their home, and there are bound to be a lot of daily necessities stored in the cab. For example, alcohol fuel, lighters for smoking, air fresheners, perfumes, etc. that may be used in cooking should be stored well when driving in summer. Experiments have proven that under summer sun exposure, the temperature in the cab can reach as high as 40 to 50 degrees Celsius, and the risk factor can be imagined.

Response: For flammable and explosive items, place them in a safe place promptly after use and avoid exposure to sunlight. At the same time, the cab must be cleaned and organized, and flammable items such as newspapers and clothing should not be piled too much. Smokers must not throw cigarette butts around to protect their safety.

6. Cargo catches fire

It can be seen from vehicle fire accidents in previous years that vehicles transporting dangerous goods, express delivery and other goods are at a greater risk of spontaneous combustion of goods, especially when the weather is hot. Truck drivers transporting such goods must be more careful.

Response: Be familiar with the dangerous attributes of transported items, master transportation specifications, and handling methods under special circumstances, and avoid safety hazards caused by mixed packaging.


Truck drivers are prone to drowsiness when driving in the summer. Everyone must try to stay alert and pay attention when driving. At the same time, it is necessary to equip the car with corresponding fire-extinguishing equipment and master basic fire handling knowledge to minimize the risk factor.

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