What should be paid attention to in the daily maintenance of dump trucks?

maintenance of dump trucks

What should be paid attention to in the daily maintenance of dump trucks?

What should be paid attention to in the daily maintenance of dump trucks

In the hot summer, with the rise of temperature and the increase of relative air humidity, the maintenance of dump trucks also began to rise. Below, the author will briefly introduce the problems that should be paid attention to in the daily maintenance of dump trucks in combination with professional technicians.

maintenance of dump trucks

Be careful when washing your car. Many car owners also want to be as thorough as they give themselves when washing their cars. However, maintenance of dump trucks it should be noted here that the appearance of the car air conditioner must be kept dry. If the car air conditioner is accidentally wet, it will affect the life of the car air conditioner.

Be careful when polishing and waxing. Many people subconsciously use the circle method for body polishing and waxing, which is a wrong method. The correct polishing and waxing method is a straight line method, maintenance of dump trucks alternating horizontal and vertical lines,

Pay attention to the amount of oil poured into the car. When the oil in the engine oil pan is not enough, the friction between the bearing and the journal will be poorly lubricated due to the small amount of oil, maintenance of dump trucks aggravating the degree of wear, and even causing a burning bearing accident. However, if there is too much oil, the crankshaft handle and the big end of the crankshaft will cause violent agitation when the engine is working, which not only increases the internal power damage of the engine, but also increases the amount of oil splashed on the cylinder wall, maintenance of dump trucks resulting in common failures of burning and draining oil. . Therefore, the oil in the engine oil pan should be controlled between the upper and lower scales of the oil dipstick.and then the final one in the direction of the rainwater flow, so as to reduce the effect of concentric halo caused by the paint surface.

Details to pay attention to when maintaining the rear semi-trailer:

First, check whether there is a lack of air, debris adhesion, etc., maintenance of dump trucks and whether the steel ring is deformed or cracked.

Second, pay attention to check the suspension system of the rear semi trailer, the tightness of all nuts, bolts, and U-bolts. This is related to whether it is tire-eating, and it will be more troublesome if there is a problem.

Third, the outriggers of the rear semi trailer are guaranteed to be normal. The inspection of the outriggers needs to shake up and down a few times,

maintenance of dump trucks

Fourth, the wear of moving parts, check the small parts such as box board hinges, box hooks, stakes, container locks, etc., to see if there are cracks and breakage.maintenance of dump trucks Check whether the lights of the rear semi-trailer are damaged and the reflective signs are not missing.maintenance of dump trucks  and then check whether there are any cracks in the welding.

A dump truck is a vehicle that can unload itself. After reaching the destination, it only needs to be supported by the outriggers of the vehicle, so that it can be quickly unloaded. Therefore, the use of outriggers is very important,maintenance of dump trucks  then Do you know how to maintain the outriggers in the daily use of the vehicle? Let’s take a look at the precautions for the maintenance of the outriggers of the rear dump truck.

maintenance of dump trucks

If you want to maintain the outriggers of the dump truck, you can choose to use a slow gear or a fast gear when the vehicle is empty, maintenance of dump trucks because when the vehicle is empty, there is nothing in the compartment, maintenance of dump trucks so you can choose the gear of the vehicle by yourself.

maintenance of dump trucks

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