CNG vs LNG Trucks Which Natural Gas Truck is Right for You?

CNG trucks and LNG trucks

CNG vs LNG Trucks Which Natural Gas Truck is Right for You?

As we all know, natural gas trucks are divided into CNG trucks and LNG trucks. How should we choose when buying a natural gas truck? This article introduces you to the advantages and disadvantages of CNG trucks and LNG trucks, and helps you decide how to choose between the two types of trucks.

The difference between CNG trucks and LNG trucks

The main components of LNG and CNG are the same, both of which are natural gas, but the storage method and the state of existence are different.

CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) exists in a gaseous state after pressurizing natural gas at room temperature. CNG is stored in a storage tank (CNG cylinder) with a working pressure of 20Mpa.

LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) exists in the state of ultra-low temperature and atmospheric pressure liquefied natural gas. Therefore, LNG is stored in a vacuum insulated cryogenic container (LNG cylinder) at a low temperature of -162°C.

CNG trucks and LNG trucks
CNG trucks and LNG trucks

How CNG Trucks and LNG Trucks Work:

When the CNG truck is working, the high-pressure gas in the gas cylinder is decompressed by the pressure reducer, and finally enters the engine to be mixed with air and then ignited, and the generated energy provides power to the truck.

The fuel for LNG trucks is liquid natural gas. It works on the same principle as a CNG truck, only adds the process of vaporizing liquid natural gas with a vaporizer..

Advantages and disadvantages of CNG trucks


  1. Easy to refill: CNG truck technology has matured, there are many refueling stations, and it is easy to refuel CNG trucks.
  2. Cheap price: Compared with the high diesel price, the price of CNG is relatively stable.


  1. Long refilling time: Compared with LNG, CNG takes twice as long as LNG to fill a cylinder of the same capacity or even more.
  2. Low loading efficiency of gas cylinders: CNG trucks cannot store too much natural gas due to the limitation of pressure, so the cruising range is short and it is only suitable for short-distance transportation.

CNG trucks and LNG trucks

Advantages and disadvantages of LNG trucks


  1. Long cruising range: Using LNG as fuel, a 335L steel cylinder can travel more than 500 kilometers, which completely solves the problem of vehicle mileage.
  2. The gas cylinder loading efficiency is high: a 335L LNG cylinder weighs 225kg, and the full weight is 353kg, which is equivalent to the weight of the same diesel vehicle after the fuel tank is full. And it is installed on the frame, which greatly reduces the center of gravity of the vehicle. While improving the economy of use, it also improves the driving safety of the vehicle.


  1. Fewer LNG filling stations: This is also the main reason for limiting the sales of LNG trucks.
  2. Expensive: First, the production cost of LNG is very high. Secondly, there are few LNG liquefaction plants, and long-distance land transportation is generally adopted, while CNG uses natural gas transported by pipeline, and the transportation price of LNG is much higher than that of CNG.

CNG trucks and LNG trucks

Compared to the same type of diesel trucks, CNG and LNG will have less fuel cost. In alpine areas, the natural gas tractor will not be unable to start due to low temperature, and the transportation reliability is higher. Facing the phenomenon of stealing oil, CNG and LNG fuel will also make it impossible to start. Of course, the most important thing is that the use of natural gas trucks has less pollution and emissions, and it is easier to meet environmental protection standards.

With the development of economy, the problem of environmental pollution has become increasingly prominent. Among them, due to the low position of vehicle exhaust emissions, lead, sulfur and other pollutants contained in the exhaust gas are the main causes of air pollution. According to estimates by the Environmental Protection Center, in 2010, vehicle exhaust emissions accounted for 64% of air pollution. Therefore, solving the pollution problem caused by vehicle exhaust emissions is the focus of energy conservation and emission reduction work. At the same time, the advantages of natural gas trucks are gradually reflected.

In general, CNG and LNG two natural gas trucks are worth choosing, whether it is to reduce pollution or reduce costs. Therefore, the selection of these two types of trucks should be considered according to the local gas station situation and the actual operation scenario. Regarding these, we have professional sales consultants who can help you choose the right type. Feel free to consult us anytime.

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