clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler

clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler

How to clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler?

clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler

How to clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler?The engine compartment of the sprinkler is an important part of the entire sprinkler. Like the “bedroom”, regular cleaning of the engine compartment of the sprinkler can ensure the “health” of the engine of the sprinkler. The main cleaning items are dust removal and oil pollution: clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler,for dust, it is recommended to use a high pressure air gun for cleaning; for oil pollution, flannel and brush can be used for simple cleaning.

clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler

clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler,As spring and winter alternate, many bacteria and viruses also begin to increase. clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler,The air conditioning filter element of the sprinkler truck is also the focus of the cleaning project, and it needs to be cleaned and replaced evenly. The cleaning method is mainly to use a high pressure air gun to blow off the sundries and dust on the filter element, and spray an appropriate amount of air conditioning cleaning agent from the air conditioning outlet of the sprinkler.

clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler,Spring is a season with more wind, sand and rain, and the exterior of the car is very easy to get dirty. Sometimes, just after washing the car and parked downstairs, a layer of dust can accumulate in half a day. During the cleaning process,clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler, pay attention to the cleaning of “dead corners”: sprinkler wipers, leaking grooves, etc., and regular waxing care. After cleaning, the paint surface should be inspected. If the paint surface is found to be damaged, it should be dealt with immediately.

clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler,In the face of “sandstorms”, “windy days” and other flying sand weather, we can buy a “clothing” for our car car clothing. Although the car cover can block the erosion of wind and sand on the body of the sprinkler, the sand and dust inside the “cover” will also scratch the body, which also requires the driver to regularly clean the cover of the sprinkler with a vacuum cleaner.

clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler,The engine is the heart of the sprinkler. There are many metal surfaces that rub against each other in the engine of the sprinkler. These parts move fast and have poor environment.

clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler

The working temperature can reach 400°C to 600°C. Under such harsh working conditions, only qualified lubricating oil can reduce the wear of engine parts of sprinkler trucks and prolong the service life of sprinkler trucks. So what requirements should qualified lubricating oil meet? That is to say, what is the function of lubricating oil?

  1. clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler,Lubrication and wear reduction: There is rapid relative sliding between the piston and the cylinder of the sprinkler, between the main shaft and the bearing bush. To prevent the parts from wearing too quickly, an oil film needs to be established between the two sliding surfaces. The oil film of sufficient thickness separates the surfaces of the parts that are relatively sliding, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing wear.
  2. clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler,Cooling and cooling: the oil of the sprinkler truck can bring the heat back to the oil tank and then dissipate it into the air to help the water tank to cool the engine.

clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler

  1. clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler,Cleaning and cleaning: A good sprinkler engine oil can circulate the carbides, sludge, and worn metal particles on the engine parts back to the oil tank. Through the flow of lubricating oil, the dirt generated on the working surface of the parts can be washed away.
  2. clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler,Sealed and leak-proof: the oil of the sprinkler truck can form a sealing ring between the piston ring and the piston to reduce the leakage of gas and prevent the entry of external pollutants.
  3. clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler,Anti-rust and anti-corrosion: the lubricating oil of the sprinkler can be absorbed on the surface of the parts to prevent the contact of water, air, acidic substances and harmful gases with the parts.

clean and maintain the engine compartment of the sprinkler

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